Our services

Opening up overseas markets for small and medium sized businesses

We open up individual markets to export overseas rare traditional Japanese handicrafts that have not been introduced overseas, and we totally produce the branding and global expansion. We also produce handicrafts, and with our large amount of overseas business experience, we have received a lot of recognition not only from Japanese manufacturers, but also from overseas suppliers with our unique capability with proposals, designs, and support. Feel free to ask us any questions.

Product development, production, distribution, and marketing

We have established an SPA (production and retail) line of business that carries out product development, production, distribution, and marketing within Japan. By making use of the skills, know-how, and network fostered from that, we offer total support for manufacturers nationwide that deal in traditional handicrafts, local industries, and specialty products. Instead of just selling the products, we thoroughly investigate each product's value to maximize its potentiality. We have received numerous awards in Japan for these efforts up to now.


松永 武士(まつなが たけし)
Gatch inc. CEO / Matsunaga-klin 4th generation

Takeshi Matsunaga

Born in 1988 in Namie, Fukushima, Takeshi Matsunaga is the President of Gatch Inc., and is the 4th potter of Matsunaga Kiln. He was born into an Oborisoma ware pottery established in 1910. From the start, he did not intend to take over the family business, and after establishing Gatch Inc. while still in college, he expanded health care related services centered on China and Southeast Asia. However, he could not ignore the reality of Oborisoma ware about to come to an end after being a victim of the Tohoku earthquake, so that made him strongly feel the need to widely convey the value of Japan's traditional craftsmanship to the world. After putting his operations overseas on the right track, he sold it off and moved his base of operations to Japan. He switched the operations of Gatch Inc. to a trading company and manufacturer that deals in "traditional industries", and he also works as the 4th potter in his family business. He was one of the Japanese ambassadors at "One Young World Summit" where Emma Watson and Grameen Bank's Muhammad Yunus also participated, and he has been selected by AERA as one of the "100 people rising above Japan".



  • 日経新聞
  • 毎日新聞
  • 読売新聞
  • 日本テレビ「シューイチ」
  • TBS「あさちゃん」
  • テレビ朝日「モーニングバード」
  • テレビ朝日「ニュースステーション」
  • NHK「ふくしまに恋して」 など


  • インテリアライフスタイル(東京)
  • ギフトショー(東京)
  • メゾン・エ・オブジェ(パリ)
  • サンフランシスコギフトショー(アメリカ)
  • NY NOW(アメリカ)


  • 株式会社三越伊勢丹
  • 株式会社フランフラン
  • 株式会社ビームス
  • 経済産業省
  • 復興庁
  • リクルートホールディングス


  • グッドデザイン賞2017,2018,2019
  • Topawardsasia 2018
  • 復興庁平成28年度「新しい東北」復興功績顕彰「企業による復興事業事例」